
On the Temple of Apollo at Delphi was a in inscription imploring the importance of self-knowledge

The Three Levels of Self-Knowledge According to Plato

In this article I want to continue my discussion of Plato’s Philebus, a fascinating work in which Plato lays out his recipe for the good life. The passage I want to focus on today relates to Delphic ‘self-knowledge.’  In ancient Greece, an important religious temple at Delphi had on it the inscription, “know thyself” and this…

Sir John Falstaff was Shakespeare's teacher of wisdom

Sir John Falstaff: Wisdom is Found in Strange Places

Sir John Falstaff — he’s Shakespeare’s low-living, gluttonous, perpetually indebted senior citizen, who steals for a living, meets all outward criteria of alcohol dependency, and is called a coward by his closest friends the first time we meet him. This charge is only amplified when, a little later, he plays dead in battle and then…

Pythagoras with a pyramid

Therapeutic Alliance – How to Achieve Success

The therapeutic alliance is the working relationship between client and therapist. Friendship is an equality made of harmony. According to a growing body of research, the therapeutic alliance may be the most important factor to a successful therapeutic outcome — more important, even, than the therapist’s theoretical orientation, or approach to therapy. So, what makes…