All About Me Worksheet for Adults: 35+ Questions
Are you looking for a printable all about me worksheet for adults or teens? Here is a PDF template that you can download and print. It includes 36 questions and is printable and editable.
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How to use this worksheet
You can answer the questions in order or skip around, answering only the questions that resonate with you and in whatever order you would like.
When you are done, take a few minutes to add any additional questions and answers that you may have thought of while completing the worksheet.
Write or discuss further whatever you are thinking about after completing the worksheet. This is a good time for reflection or conversation.
When to Use the All About Me Worksheet
The All About Me worksheet is useful for teens and adults in either individual or group settings. Here are some ideas.
Individual Ideas
- Preparation for a social gathering: A great way to brainstorm some interesting conversation starters and to improve self-confidence.
- Gaining insight about yourself: Answering these questions about yourself can help you to gain insight into who you are and what interests you.
- Memory issues – A good exercise for working on either memory issues or ‘brain lock’ which can be a symptom of anxiety.
- Relationship/intimacy building: Gaining insight into your interests and experiences (which you can then share) is a great way to build intimacy and/or deepen relationships.
Group Ideas
- Ice breaker activity – Fill it out and trade with a group/others. and then discuss.
- Use as an All About Me poster – Print in poster size, complete and hang, then break into groups and discuss.
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Individual uses for an All About Me worksheet
Preparation for a social gathering
Using an All About Me worksheet is a great way to prepare for a social situation or gathering. By thinking about and answering in advance some common questions about yourself, you will prepare to meet new people and connect with existing friends and acquaintances. The questions on the worksheet can also give you ideas for conversation starters.
The goal is not to bombard someone with all 35+ questions or answers from this worksheet but to prepare for a wide range of common topics. Rather, choose a topic that feels most natural for the moment and then allow the conversation to run its course. When that topic reaches a natural ending point, then you can switch to another one of the topics that you have prepared for and which you feel would best follow based on where the previous topic went.
Gaining insight
Answering these questions can be a helpful way to think intentionally about who you are and why. The free space on page three can be used to free-write to dig deeper into the topic and connect with your subconscious self.
Memory issues
An All About Me worksheet is a great way to work on memory issues. Deliberate and voluntary thought exercises have been shown to improve memory.
Group uses for an All About Me Worksheet
Ice breaker for a group
This worksheet can be printed on paper as a ‘sit-down’ exercise or on poster-size sheets for a ‘stand-up and get-moving’ ice breaker exercise for classes, groups, team meetings, and orientations.
Sit-down ice breaker
Print a copy for each person and have them fill it out. Split into small groups and have them ask each other questions from the sheet and discuss.
Stand-up and get-moving ice breaker
Print several copies of the worksheet on poster-sized paper and hang them on the wall in various locations. Split up into small groups and have each group stand by a poster. The group members can then ask each other questions and discuss. Have them rotate around the room to different sheets and repeat.
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36 All About Me questions from the worksheet
Leisure time
- What do you like to do when you’re not working?
- What’s your favorite way to relax on weekends?
Movies and TV
- What was the last movie you watched?
- What did you like about it?
- Is there anything that you did not like about it?
- What show are you currently watching?
- Would you recommend it? Why or why not?
- What kind of music do you like?
- Who’s your favorite artist?
- What do you love about them?
- What kind of books do you like to read?
- What’s your favorite blog/website to read?
- What’s it about?
- What is your favorite book and why?
- What do you do for work?
- Why did you choose your profession?
- What kind of foods do you like to eat when you are cooking at home?
- What’s your favorite restaurant?
- What type of food do they serve?
- What’s your favorite dish?
- Do you prefer eating out or cooking at home? Why?
- What do people usually ask you for help with?
- What makes you good at this?
- Is there something that would recommend everyone try at least once? What is it?
Travel and Adventure
- Where is your favorite place you have ever been and why?
- What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
- What made it interesting?
- Where is the furthest you have ever traveled?
- What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
- What would you do if you won the lottery?
- Would you do it again? Why or why not?
Current Events
- What have you read in the news lately that you find the most interesting?
- What do you find interesting about it?
Relationships and Family
- Who are you closest with, and why?
- What’s a favorite memory from childhood?
- Are you close with your family?
In conclusion
This worksheet is designed to foster connection with both yourself and others. While this article provides some ideas for how to use the worksheet, feel free to get creative and use it in other ways as well!

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